Tuesday, November 20, 2007

What's Going on in Cassie's Life...

Ok. I know I haven't written in awhile so I thought I would let all all my "blog groupies" :) know how everything is doing. Basketball started two weeks ago and we just had our jamboree last night. I really like how the team is coming together and I see an amazing season ahead of us as long as we all work hard, work together and stay focused. It'll be really exciting to see how our team does this year...

School sucks. Period. I think I might drop out. Ok, I won't drop out but school is getting really tough lately. Everyone says thats what comes with being a junior but man, I'm major stressed about my grades. I hope it wil all work out and my grades will come up, they always do. But I'm still worried...

Jazz Band. It's interesting to say the least. We have a lot of new people including our director. He is amazing and fun but its been hard getting used to someone other than Mrs. Hanna especially for jazz band. Im first trumpet and Schy's second. We both are working on solos this year...wish us luck. (we need it!)

So.. for the people I haven't told already...my birthday is on Saturday! yay! It always amazes me, the older you get, the less excited you are. But the sooner my bday is over, the sooner Christms comes!

So that's about it here. We are going to be very busy starting next week with basketball games. From next week to the beginning of February we are going to be gone at games almost every Monday, Tuesday, some Thursdays and Fridays. woo hoo! at least it's for something worth while like basketball!